

$ 5.26

  • Issue Number: 2
  • Language: English
  • Publication Name: 6000 Pulp Covers
  • Series: 6000 Pulp Covers


6000 OF YOUR FAVORITE VINTAGE PULP COVERS ON DVD!! I have put together the largest collection of high definition Pulp Magazine covers available anywhere. There are more than 6000 vintage pulpcovers from my personal collection found on this single DVD. The DVD has an index by title and date, so you can easily locate covers of particular interest. None are after 1965. Not only is this the greatest number available anywhere, but the resolution available is far greater than most. There are over 2.4 gigabytes of scans available, or if put on typical floppy disks would take over 1000 floppies to contain the lot! Many people are selling images collected from ebay auctions. These images have been degraded for fast loading. My images are scanned from pulps I own so the quality is unmatched. The resolution of individual images varies as I scanned these over time with different equipment. But each scan averages 300KB in size. Some on the DVD are 4-5 MB each. There are dozens and dozens of pulp magazines titles to be found on this collection. Scans are arranged by title, and by year and month within each title. This DVD contains all the magazines I will be selling from my collection over the next year or so. You may request individual issues you would like to see offered next. Many satisified customers to date. You will be glad you purchased this DVD for many hours of pleasure viewing old pulp magazines. Titles include Amazing, Astounding, Startling Stories, Spicy Mystery to name just a few. A (near) complete listing of titles may be found below. Order your DVD of Pulp Magazine covers from my personal collection. Each DVD has cover images in jpg format for easy viewing through your web browser, featured in two sizes and resolutions- thumbnail sized for overviewing the entire collection, and individual large images in higher resolution for studying the artwork of these fabulous pulp covers. DVD Pulp Titles Listing Avon Fantasy Reader (complete), Amazing Stories, A Merritts Fantasy, Astonishing (complete), Astounding (complete), Avenger, Beyond (complete), Bill Barnes, Black Mask, Captain Combat, Captain Future, Captain Hazzard, Captain Satan, Captain Zero, Comet (complete), Cosmic (complete), Cosmos, Dime Mystery, Doc Savage, Doctor Death, Dr Yen-Sin, Dream World, Dusty Ayres, Dynamic, Famous Fantastic Mysteries (complete), Fantastic, Fantastic Adventures, Fantastic Adventures Quarterly, Fantastic Novels Magazine, Fantastic Story Quarterly, Fantastic Universe, Fantasy Book, Fantasy Fiction, Fantasy Stories, Fear, Flash Gordon Strange Adventure Magazine, Future Science Fiction, Galaxy Science Fiction, Galaxy Novels, Ghost Stories, G-Men Magazine, Golden Fleece, Horror Stories, IF Worlds of Science Fiction, Imagination, Infinity Science Fiction, Imaginative Tales, Jungle Stories, Miscellaneous Pulp Magazines: (Aviation Related), (Damsels in Distress), (Detective Pulps), (Good Girl Art), Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, Marvel Science Fiction, Miracle Science and Fantasy Stories, Nick Carter Magazine, New Worlds Science Fiction, Nova Science Fiction Novels, Operator 5, Orbit Science Fiction, Oriental Stories, Other Worlds Science Stories, Out of This World, Planet Stories, Private Detective, Rocket Stories, Satellite Science Fiction, Saturn Science Fiction and Fantasy, Science Fiction Adventures, Science Fiction (Original), Science Fiction Digest, Science Fiction Plus, Science Fiction Quarterly, Science Stories, Secret Agent X, Shadow, Shadow Annual, Sheena Queen of the Jungle, Shock, Sinister Stories, Skipper, Space Science Fiction, Space Science Fiction Magazine, Space Stories, Spaceway, Spicy Adventure Stories, Spicy Detective Stories, Spicy Mystery Stories, Spider, Star Science Fiction, Startling Stories, Stirring Science Fiction, Strange Detective Mysteries, Strange Stories, Strange Tales, Super Science Fiction, Super Science Stories, Ten Story Fantasy, Terror Tales, Tops in Science Fiction, Two Complete Science Adventure Books, Uncanny Stories, Uncanny Tales, Universe, Unknown, Vanguard Science Fiction, Venture Science Fiction, Vortex Science Fiction, Weird Tales Magazine, Wonder Stories (Air), Science Wonder Stories, Wonder Stories, Thrilling Wonder Stories, Wonder Stories Annua, Wonder Stories Quarterly, Worlds Beyond Note: All covers contained on this DVD are from magazines that were sold as legitimate literature in the 1920 to 1965 time frame. None were then or are now considered pornography or adult material, and all were sold openly on newstands. By current standards, some may be considered politically incorrect because of their stereotypical portrayal of women, minorities, and other groups. If you find these offensive, then please consider your purchase carefully. If you live in a foreign jurisdiction where these covers might offend local sensibilities, then please use your best judgement as to what might present a problem with authorities. If you are concerned that the lurid covers portrayed on the DVD insert might be construed as pornography, and cause customs agents or others to refuse entry, please state this and plain inserts will be used for your shipment. Copyright 1996-2022. All rights reserved. No part may be reproduced in any form electronic or otherwise without the express written consent of Pulpsguy