This is an awesome ornament and would look so great on an office bookcase or shelf. Looking like a vintage ink stamp with the slanted front with "ASAP" and "A Santa~Approved Person" printed in green on the face. The base color of the stamp is tan with a red top knob and red bands around the handle. On either side of the stamp handle are elves. On the left side is an elf wearing shiny blue pants and a matching pointed hat. He also has on a tan long-sleeved tunic. This elf is sitting with his left knee up and his left hand on the handle of the stamp. The other elf on the right-hand side of the stamp is standing with his right hand on the stamp handle. This elf is wearing a long-sleeved green tunic over pink tights and a matching pointed hat on his head. Both elves have full brown beards, dot eyes and pointed brown shoes. Only the left side elf has a mustache. The bottom of this ornament ha the ASAP in raised letters on material that seems to be the type that could be used on an ink pad.